PSBC Connections

February 2021 Newsletter


Preparation 2021 is a new monthly feature in PSBC Connections to describe what the PSBC family is doing to prepare spiritually for the journey God has for us in 2021.

PSBC is UNIQUE – a congregation of unique individuals and families that God has brought together to glorify Him.  Our purpose is “To Glorify God by making Mature Disciples of All Nations.”  That commission, however, is for all churches, not just PSBC.  The question WE must answer is “How has God uniquely shaped and gifted US to fulfill His great commission?” Over the next several months we are going through a specific process to help us discover our strengths and passions and the distinctive ways God would have us fulfill His Commission.

Equally important, we will be taking steps to acquaint ourselves with the residents of the West End.  We want to understand the needs, concerns, and experiences of our community in order to actively connect and engage people with the Gospel.  Exciting days ahead!

A building is a tool for the church to use in accomplishing our mission, never an end in itself.  It can also be a tangible, visible metaphor of the life of the church.  This Property Update feature in the newsletter is to keep you informed about the progress we are making toward relocating our services back on the West End of Greenville. 

We have purchased 3 lots on Arlington Ave., just 2 blocks from Main Street.  We have engaged an Architect, Ron Geyer of Good City Architects, and a builder, Sherman Construction, to work with us in building a place for the ministries of PSBC.  There is much involved in this task – planning as a congregation, connecting with the community and neighborhood associations, going through the City of Greenville’s zoning, design, and building processes, and the actual construction itself. In this feature we will keep you informed as to our process and progress, as well as what you can be praying for specifically. 


From the desk of

Pastor Marty Price

Where is God taking you? Last week I was talking with a family who commented on the fact they haven’t gone anywhere since COVID made itself known in the US.  For many of us life has become limited to localized routines – work, often from home, meals, activities around the house, all of which are needful routines. But it feels like we aren’t getting anywhere.  Our plans are conditional and tentative.  For those of us who are activity-oriented it sometime feels as though we are treading water.

The theme of our studies and activities in January has been “Preparing for the Journey.”  We are searching the Scriptures and following the leading of the Spirit to make sure that, whatever God has in store for us this year, we will be ready to listen and follow.  We are a people who are Praising God, “His praise shall continually be in my mouth” (Psalm 34).  We are a people who are keeping right with God through repentance, “Search me, O God, and know my heart!” (Psalm 139).  We are a people who, committed to the Word of God, are growing in our caring for one another, “How good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!” (Psalm 133).  And we are becoming progressively a people who love our community, “Seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you…” (Jeremiah 29).

I am praying that God will increasingly create in our hearts a passion to see lost people hear the Gospel and have their lives transformed by God.  Our focus is (and has been for the last 132 years) the West End of Greenville.  It is a beautiful, diverse, changing community increasingly filled with people who need to know the love of Jesus. This month we will join together in praying for the people, schools, churches, and ministries of the West End.  I am expecting God to work in a great way through us as we “pray to the Lord for it.” (Jeremiah 29:7). 

Be praying for the people in your immediate community as well – we are not to be passive in our preparation.  Pray for the people you see as part of your daily/weekly routine.  You have a role to play in their coming to Christ. Embrace it, fulfill it, walk in it, continually depending on the Holy Spirit to lead you in what to pray, what to say, and what to do. 

I am continually amazed at the goodness of God. I can’t keep silent about it.  I want to

“Proclaim good tidings of His salvation from day to day.

Tell of His glory among the nations,
His wonderful deeds among all the peoples.” (Psalm 96) 

He is good, indeed!


2025 January

PSBC Family Meeting: Sunday, February 7th, we will have an important meeting at 9:00 a.m. in the Palmetto Ballroom of the Hilton Greenville. Please make every effort to be there! (Worship Service will follow at 10:30 in the Palmetto Ballroom as well.)

Children’s Sunday School classes will begin again on Sunday, March 7th at 9:00 a.m. in the Hilton Greenville. Parents, we will communicate with you about classes and locations later this month. We’re excited to pick back up with LifeWay’s “The Gospel Project for Kids!”


Men’s Prayer Breakfast: Beginning Friday, February 12th, men are invited to come have breakfast and a time of prayer together, every Friday at 7:30 a.m. at Tommy’s Country Ham House (place subject to change).

From the desk of

Pastor Marty Price

Where is God taking you? Last week I was talking with a family who commented on the fact they haven’t gone anywhere since COVID made itself known in the US.  For many of us life has become limited to localized routines – work, often from home, meals, activities around the house, all of which are needful routines. But it feels like we aren’t getting anywhere.  Our plans are conditional and tentative.  For those of us who are activity-oriented it sometime feels as though we are treading water.

The theme of our studies and activities in January has been “Preparing for the Journey.”  We are searching the Scriptures and following the leading of the Spirit to make sure that, whatever God has in store for us this year, we will be ready to listen and follow.  We are a people who are Praising God, “His praise shall continually be in my mouth” (Psalm 34).  We are a people who are keeping right with God through repentance, “Search me, O God, and know my heart!” (Psalm 139).  We are a people who, committed to the Word of God, are growing in our caring for one another, “How good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!” (Psalm 133).  And we are becoming progressively a people who love our community, “Seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you…” (Jeremiah 29).

I am praying that God will increasingly create in our hearts a passion to see lost people hear the Gospel and have their lives transformed by God.  Our focus is (and has been for the last 132 years) the West End of Greenville.  It is a beautiful, diverse, changing community increasingly filled with people who need to know the love of Jesus. This month we will join together in praying for the people, schools, churches, and ministries of the West End.  I am expecting God to work in a great way through us as we “pray to the Lord for it.” (Jeremiah 29:7). 

Be praying for the people in your immediate community as well – we are not to be passive in our preparation.  Pray for the people you see as part of your daily/weekly routine.  You have a role to play in their coming to Christ. Embrace it, fulfill it, walk in it, continually depending on the Holy Spirit to lead you in what to pray, what to say, and what to do. 

I am continually amazed at the goodness of God. I can’t keep silent about it.  I want to

“Proclaim good tidings of His salvation from day to day.

Tell of His glory among the nations,
His wonderful deeds among all the peoples.” (Psalm 96) 

He is good, indeed!


2025 January

PSBC Family Meeting: Sunday, February 7th, we will have an important meeting at 9:00 a.m. in the Palmetto Ballroom of the Hilton Greenville. Please make every effort to be there! (Worship Service will follow at 10:30 in the Palmetto Ballroom as well.)

Children’s Sunday School classes will begin again on Sunday, March 7th at 9:00 a.m. in the Hilton Greenville. Parents, we will communicate with you about classes and locations later this month. We’re excited to pick back up with LifeWay’s “The Gospel Project for Kids!”


Men’s Prayer Breakfast: Beginning Friday, February 12th, men are invited to come have breakfast and a time of prayer together, every Friday at 7:30 a.m. at Tommy’s Country Ham House (place subject to change).

From the desk of

Pastor Marty Price

Where is God taking you? Last week I was talking with a family who commented on the fact they haven’t gone anywhere since COVID made itself known in the US.  For many of us life has become limited to localized routines – work, often from home, meals, activities around the house, all of which are needful routines. But it feels like we aren’t getting anywhere.  Our plans are conditional and tentative.  For those of us who are activity-oriented it sometime feels as though we are treading water.

The theme of our studies and activities in January has been “Preparing for the Journey.”  We are searching the Scriptures and following the leading of the Spirit to make sure that, whatever God has in store for us this year, we will be ready to listen and follow.  We are a people who are Praising God, “His praise shall continually be in my mouth” (Psalm 34).  We are a people who are keeping right with God through repentance, “Search me, O God, and know my heart!” (Psalm 139).  We are a people who, committed to the Word of God, are growing in our caring for one another, “How good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity!” (Psalm 133).  And we are becoming progressively a people who love our community, “Seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you…” (Jeremiah 29).

I am praying that God will increasingly create in our hearts a passion to see lost people hear the Gospel and have their lives transformed by God.  Our focus is (and has been for the last 132 years) the West End of Greenville.  It is a beautiful, diverse, changing community increasingly filled with people who need to know the love of Jesus. This month we will join together in praying for the people, schools, churches, and ministries of the West End.  I am expecting God to work in a great way through us as we “pray to the Lord for it.” (Jeremiah 29:7). 

Be praying for the people in your immediate community as well – we are not to be passive in our preparation.  Pray for the people you see as part of your daily/weekly routine.  You have a role to play in their coming to Christ. Embrace it, fulfill it, walk in it, continually depending on the Holy Spirit to lead you in what to pray, what to say, and what to do. 

I am continually amazed at the goodness of God. I can’t keep silent about it.  I want to

“Proclaim good tidings of His salvation from day to day.

Tell of His glory among the nations,
His wonderful deeds among all the peoples.” (Psalm 96) 

He is good, indeed!


2025 January

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