April 2021 PSBC Connections

Annie Armstrong (1850-1938)

Every Easter, Pendleton Street Baptist Church participates in the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering. Prayerfully consider supporting the North American Mission Board through this special offering.

Annie Armstrong was born in Baltimore at a time when women were not expected to lead. She served, challenged churches to action, and rallied support for missionaries. Ultimately, Annie was recognized as a national Souther Baptist trailblazer renowned for visionary missions leadership.

Today, over $1 billion has been given through the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering. All gifts – 100% – support thousands of missionaries in church planting and compassion ministries across the U.S. and Canada.


  • Started Bay View Mission for Baltimore’s poor and addicted 
  • Served as the first executive of Woman’s Missionary Union 
  • Raised support for missionaries to Italian and Jewish immigrants 
  • Initiated fund-raising “brick cards” to build churches in Cuba 
  • Gained support for the first black, female missionaries 
  • Secured funds to relieve China missionary, Lottie Moon, who had served for 11 years without a furlough 
  • Advocated for Native Americans and impoverished mountain people 
  • Traveled across America in the late 1800s encouraging missionaries and inspiring churches to pray, give and act 
  • Honored in 1934 when The Home Missions Offering was re-named for her to encourage more to follow her sacrificial example 

Easter 2021: Encountering the Living Jesus

Sunday, April 4, 2021 at the Hilton Greenville

9:00 a.m. Christian Life Academy and Children’s Sunday school

10:00 a.m. Coffee, pastries, and fellowship time

10:30 a.m. Worship Service (Piedmont Ballroom)

During worship service, we will celebrate the Lord’s Supper.

Come celebrate the Resurrection of our Savior Jesus Christ

Ron Geyer, Good City Architects

We have the vehicular access to our property that we need from Arlington Avenue, but our proposal to improve traffic flow by adding a driveway at Anderson Street was turned down by the South Carolina Department of Transportation – not a completely surprising outcome. We continue to prepare for an application to the Board of Zoning Appeals and are negotiating with the owners of neighboring properties to secure additional parking.

Sherman Construction is finalizing a “benchmark” estimate, which will allow us to start working with the architect and engineers to further develop the preliminary design.

Pray that we will find favor with the City’s planning staff, our neighbors, and the Board of Zoning Appeals.

Marty Price, Pastor

As anyone who has looked in the mirror shortly after waking up can tell you, self-examination can be a challenging experience.  It is, however, a good and needful one.  This month we are being asked to participate in a survey that will give you the opportunity to evaluate our church, and I really hope you will take the time to thoughtfully respond.  We need your input.  Additionally, Oregon and Patty Lawton, and Austin and Sharon Bannister will be meeting with home groups, Sunday school classes, and others to give you the opportunity to be heard.  We would love to hear from you.  

We also are learning about the West End community, with a particular emphasis on the people living nearby.  YOU ARE INVITED to come for a walk through the neighborhood on Saturday, April 10 at 1:00 pm, and Sunday, April 11, at 1:00 pm.  We will be walking, praying, and meeting people in the community. We will meet at the office, and I look forward to seeing you there. 

From Pastor Marty Price

There is no celebration more important than Easter!  We celebrate Christ Jesus’ resurrection, His victory over death, the fulfillment of His mission on earth, and His commissioning of His church.  It is the event that changed history. I hope you have experienced Jesus’ resurrection power in your life.

Take time to really think deeply on the wonder of the resurrection and its implications for you. Matthew records the following events in chapter 28. Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to the tomb where Jesus was placed, but the angel had rolled back the stone, and the tomb was empty.  They had every reason to be confused and afraid… “But the angel said to the women, ‘Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified.He is not here, for he has risen, as he said. Come, see the place where he lay. Then go quickly and tell his disciples that he has risen from the dead…’ (Matthew 28:5-7).”

Because of the resurrection – “Do not be afraid.”

When you are looking around at overwhelming circumstance – “seek Jesus who was crucified.”

When your faith needs strengthening, remember He keeps His promises – “he has risen, just as he said.”

Remember, our faith is not a blind faith, but one borne out in history – “Come, see the place where he lay.”

And tell someone about Jesus. Tell them why He came, why He died, that He rose, and He lives today – “go quickly and tell…

I pray that you will experience the goodness of God this Easter. That the joy of the resurrection will fill you, and that you will be drawn close to our living, wonderful Savior, Jesus.

Do you have a high school, college, or graduate school student who will graduate this spring? If so, please let the PSBC office know before April 20th. Call 864-232-7312 or email info@psbcgreenville.org to send us your graduate’s information so that we can feature them in the upcoming PSBC Connections!

Thursday-Saturday, May 13-15

Devil’s Fork State Park

Room for 20 men

(12 campers, 8 in the villas)

Cost: $25 includes lodging, main meals, study materials

(Pick up materials at the Hilton before Worship Service or at the church office.) Register Here